Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Denver Colorado, USA, Todd Wainio

I will now notify you about my second part of the interview with Todd. This is all after Yonkers, and he has been doing a lot of clearing of the disease. Now the army only, used vehicles to carry ammo, and their primary weapon was the SIR, standard infantry rifle. They use blue camouflage because it is the cheapest too. They were told to meet in Hope, New Mexico, and this was the first major ground engagement since Yonkers. The army at the time was recruiting a lot of new people, and Todd ended up next to a fifty-two year old nun. They used sniffer dogs to see how close they were. I found this pretty funny and cool that the army's' Primary Enticement Mechanism which is listening to Iron Maiden. They had an active line, a shooting line, and a reserve line that recharged the first line's weapons. There was also the Sandlers which would run around and reload peoples' clips. The term "Sandlers" came from Adam Sandler from the movie The Water Boy, and a water boy is a similar job to the Sandlers. There was so many zombies they that fought them for over twelve hours. Todd was glad he didn't have to stick aroudn for BS duty, bury the zombies. I thought it was cool how they used heavy metal to pump their men and how they called their reloaders Sandlers. I thought it was also a good decision to have a major engagement so they can eliminate the zombie force faster. Also I was surprised the different amount of diversity of age they chose for their new army. That is what I learned from a part of my interview with Todd.

1 comment:

Tres Mayfield said...

There really was a large diversity in age, but I guess they didn't have a choice, plus it got the job done so no need to complain. Also I love how the choose "Hope", New Mexico, just by coincidense, right. I do wonder what the finals nubers were for the dead.